Hi! My real name is Mich, short for Michele, although there are some people out there that do call me Pixe. I live in a little town called Mohnton, PA, nestled in Pennsylvania Dutch Country. And yes, I do share the road sometimes with the horse and buggy drivers! When I'm not making jewelry and trying to sell it, I like to spend time walking in my local state parks, reading (I'm currently hooked on Chuck Palahniuk-he's very bizarre!) and I do some crocheting, too. It seems a lot of my time is spent marketing my jewelry! I sell my handmade jewelry on Etsy, have a website, I sell at craft shows and I have some jewelry in some local shops.
2. Tell us about your art and how you got your start selling your handmade items on Etsy?
I'm a self taught artist and began making jewelry to satisfy my need for earrings, especially those made from natural stones, which I wasn't finding. It then spiraled from there and I decided I would make a go at selling. I started out on Ebay and at my first craft show I heard about Etsy and decided to see what it was all about. Turned out Etsy was a much better venue for my work and I feel quite at home here! I've been here over a year now and loving every minute of it! I love the atmosphere and the artists are so supportive of each other!
3. What inspires your art?
My art is inspired by the natural world around me. I've always loved nature and being in the woods! Sometimes, it's just cleaning my messy studio that inspires me and sidetracks me from cleaning!
4. What is your own favorite design/creation/painting and why?
I have many favorite designs but this I favor the most for personal reasons: The Garden Dragonfly Ring.
When I was a child, we used to go camping every weekend at my Uncle's bungalow and this ring reminds me of all the fun times I've shared with my cousins, who are no longer with us. We would go boating, fishing, and just run around the woods! And I would just stare at the water and watch the dragonflies! It's a personal reminder to me that life is much too short and we have to make the most of the time we are given on this earth and enjoy every minute of it, not to stress over the little things and to be sure those we hold close to our hearts know we love them!
5. Do you have any advice for those who are new to selling on Etsy?
Focus on marketing and learning to take really good pictures of your product! Take advantage of the forums and learn what you can to get your shop noticed! Don't get discouraged, it can be hard work, but it's fun work!
6. Do you have any favorite Etsy artists?
There are so many wonderful and talented artists out there, I find it impossible to name one or even a few!
7. Do you have anything else you'd like to share? Are there any other websites or stores where we can find you?
This is my website: http://www.pixestreasures.com/ and here's my facebook fanpage: www.facebook.com/home.php#/pages/Pixes-Treasures/126254643952?ref=ts I'm currently sponsoring an earring giveaway and you can find all the details in my shop announcement on my Etsy site! And my blogs: http://www.pixestreasurechest.blogspot.com/ and http://www.pixe1.wordpress.com/.
My jewelry is at the following shops right now: Sheryl's Craft Shop in Reading, PA; Cornucopia Gifts, Stoudtburg Village, Adamstown PA.
I hope you enjoyed getting to know more about Mich and what inspires her to create such lovely jewelry. She currently has all her rings on sale and a terrific giveaway on her Facebook Fan Page. Take a peek!! If you are looking for unique handmade jewelry designs, check out PixesTreasureChest!
What an awesome post! Those snowflake earrings are SO cute-I need to visit her site! Have a great day, sweet Cara!
Hi Cara!
Thank you so much for the lovely and kind words! Should you ever make it into my neck of the woods, I'd love to say "Wie Bischt!" (hello in pa dutch)
Have a great day!
What a wonderful introduction and interview. Fantastic pieces...I'm going to have to stop by her site and check out her others.
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